Person Writing Letter 1 Image
Decoartive Alleluia image

Dear Families and Friends:

As the spring flowers slowly come into full bloom, we continue to celebrate Easter. Our songs at Mass and other times of prayer are full of ALLELUIAs. What is all the rejoicing about? That which seems impossible has happened. Not only did Jesus die for our sakes, he also rose from the dead to become our Savior. Incredible! God’s love and mercy have rescued us from ourselves!

Recently, in a homily, Bishop Peter Smith quoted St. Catherine of Siena who wrote: “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” As God’s people, we are part of God’s plan for the redemption of all.  We just need to be who God meant us to be! As for setting the world on fire, we are responsible for our part of the world, reaching out to those in need of physical, spiritual, or emotional assistance. We are all called to have a generous heart.  Sometimes it may include moving out of our comfort zone. When we do, notice the fire of care and mercy we have sparked!

May the spring flowers remind us all of God’s mercy and our call to be who we are meant to be.

Sr. Charlene

About this month’s photo: Sr. Rosina Pham, Sr. Thanh Pham and Sr. Anna Nguyen were the designers/decorators of the beautiful display in the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon dining room

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